To advance Quantic Humanism into the realm of corporate strategy, innovation in management and corporate culture strengthening, within Latin American B-certified social entrepreneurship companies and impactHUB-Bogotá social innovations initiatives. During 2017 the three organizations structured and designed the project called ‘Florecimiento +B’ (in Spanish) with another goal in mind: to have happy and engaged workers in the seven social businesses that registered in December 6th, 2017 for the first state of ‘Flourishing +B’.
All the Companies in the World that shared the philosophies of B-Corporations and of impactHUBs platforms vibrate around a better world through a sustainable capitalism. The rationale behind this project is to have more competitive social businesses thanks to vanguard management practices and also to high-motivated collaborators, that have a deep purpose and meaning in their lives.
Based on the experience, theory and practice developed for more than a decade by the Humanistic Management Network-HMN, and to the consultancies developed by the Colombian Chapter of the HMN, the Flourishing +B project is built on these experiences. In addition, it is mingled with Sistema-B mission and with impactHUB-Bogotá framework, in order to maintain a solid strategy to improve their impact on society and human beings.
Because of this respect of organizational philosophies and missions, this project has a Road Map and Goals, but they are understood as specific for each social business. In each of the seven companies are thousands of different stories, realities, traditions, and human beings with a deep goal of authentic existence. We don´t want to threaten this, so we are being highly empathetic of this reality. We think that all consultancies should be done like this. That is why a quantum approach is needed, one that change reality but accepts probabilities of existence as a social need. We don’t have a one-fits-all template for advising these social businesses.
A brief description of the topics covered in the first year are:
- Authenticity and uniqueness
- Strategic thinking and visioning
- Organizational higher purpose and social meaning
- Self-knowledge, emotional intelligence, and positive vulnerability
- Humble and Inspiring Leadership (readings: Jim Collins)
- Self-actualization, Flow, and Positive Psychology
- Immaterial Communication (readings: ‘Pygmalion in Management’, HBR)
- The Five Disciplines Applied, based on Peter Senge and colleagues
- Ethics, Values and beyond Corporate Social Responsibility (applying the B-matrix)