Carlos is a Humanist, futurologist, social entrepreneur and research professor.
Carlos loves quantum mechanics, although he is not sure that he understands it. He has been applying quantum conundrums to social life, humanism, diversity, development and management. The Quantic Humanism Initiative is his new ‘maloka’ (indigenous place for thinking and sharing).
Carlos was born in Colombia. He loves his country and he is trying to make a change. He loves its music, folklor, food, mountains and ‘calor humano’ (human warmth). Romanticism (Latinamerican version) and music/dance are his passions. So anything that happens or that he chose to happen in his life, he tries as much to fill it with energy, authenticity and joyfulness.
Consultant & Social Entrepreneur with a holistic professional formation with more than 20 years of experience in reinventing management, humanistic management, non-linear thinking, alternative strategic planning, and inspirational leadership. Quantum sociologist with expertise also in community development, NGOs management, rural development, and building bridges between the corporate world and communities, taking advantage of governmental programs and support.
Deep Knowledge In: humanistic management, social entrepreneurship, authentic leadership, Strategic Consultancy, Investment Banking, Rural Development Projects, Cross-Cultural Sensitivity, Community development, Human Resources development
Dr. Largacha is a Graduate Fellow from the University of Miami, where he received his double doctorate degree in International Studies and Quantum Sociology. He is a Harvard University Alumni, from the Kennedy School of Government.
He did a TEDxTalk in 2012 about quantic humanistic management and imagination. He is the winner of the best Leadership Business Case in 2013 given by Harvard, McKinsey and London Business School through MIX-Management Innovation Exchange. Carlos leads the Colombian Chapter of the Humanistic Management Network. He worked five years at World Vision International. During seven years worked at Universidad EAN (ACBSP Acredited), first as Provost for Research and then as Professor and Researcher at the School of Management.
Since 2012 is Faculty Member of the Humanistic Management Center.